As the New Year Commences and we make our own personal resolutions & goals for 2023, it can be a good time to create your investment resolutions too.
If you are looking to enter the investment market your goals could include:
- Talk to a broker / Bank.
- Get Financial Advise & talk to your accountant.
- Meet & Interview property managers that can assist you with rental appraisals & advice.
- Create a buying timeline.
If you have already got investment properties your New Year resolutions could include:
- Review your cash flow & equity to increase your portfolio.
- Speak with your financial advisor / accountant to create a strategy to get more from your investments.
- Make an appointment with your property manager to inspect your properties.
- Create a plan & complete any preventative maintenance.
- Implement an inclusion that will increase your return by keeping good tenants longer or increase the rent.
For more tips, feel free to download my free investors guide at
Happy New Year!