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We understand that moving can be a stressful time, Macwell Property Management will take the hassle out of the search for you with providing quality, safe & clean homes and versatile inspection times for viewings.

We respect your rights as a tenant to quiet enjoyment and privacy during your tenancy. We are very different from traditional real estate agents, we won’t treat you as a number – we take the time to listen to your needs and assist you with a solution. We do take the management of investment properties seriously and all we ask from you is that you pay your rent on time and that you care for the property as if it is your own home.

Welcome to Claire

Your Tenant Assistance Concierge

We’re excited to introduce Claire, your dedicated chatbot designed to make your renting experience even more convenient. Whether you have questions about your lease, maintenance requests, or any other tenant-related inquiries, Claire is here to help!

To get started, simply use the icon in the bottom right of the screen. Remember, Claire is here to help you, so feel free to ask anything related to your tenancy.

Thank you for choosing Claire for a seamless tenant experience. If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the chatbot, don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team.

Wishing you a hassle-free and enjoyable renting journey!

Before you start, here are a few important points to keep in mind

Maintenance Reporting: Claire can assist you in reporting maintenance issues quickly and efficiently. Please remember that urgent maintenance requests should only be marked as such when they align with the guidelines outlined in the Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation Act (RTRA Act). Misuse of the “urgent” category may result in emergency call-out fees.

Accurate Reporting: It’s crucial to provide accurate information when reporting maintenance concerns. If a reported issue is found to be the result of misuse or tenant appliances, the associated costs may be invoiced to you for payment.

User-Friendly Interface: Claire’s user-friendly interface ensures easy navigation. You’ll be guided through the process step-by-step to ensure all necessary details are captured for efficient resolution.

Lease Information: Claire can also assist you with lease-related queries, such as lease end dates and rent payment details. Just ask!

Links & Downloads

Pet Application Form

View Resource

Property Site Unseen Form

View Resource

General Maintenance Request Form

View Resource

Cleaning Guide

View Resource

Change in Shared Tenancy Request

View Resource

Property Incident Report

View Resource

Complaint Form

View Resource

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